Penerapan Volume Cost Profit Terhadap Kegiatan Social Distancing (Pedagang Kaki Lima)


  • Desy Irawati Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
  • Suci Febriani Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
  • Linda Hetri Suriyanti Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau



Cost Volume Profit, Profit, Street Vendors, and Social Distancing.


Street vendors are those who carry out business activities of individuals or groups that in running their business use public facilities such as sidewalks, public roadside edges, porch shops and so forth. Traders who carry out their business activities within a certain period by using facilities or equipment are easily moved, dismantled and used public facilities as a place of business. Since the existence of this corona, business is very dependent, spending and acceleration is unbalanced, while traders must eat every day. Many traders hope that this corona virus pandemic will end soon, because the impact of social distancing is felt by small traders to make a living by selling directly to the public. and in planning profits. Thus CVP examines the relationship between profits, volume and costs that occur in a period of trade accounting. Or the relationship of these variables can provide information on the costs incurred as well as the volume that must be generated to achieve profit targets or in profit planning.



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