New Student Admission Selection Strategy to Increase Competitiveness and Competitive Advantage in Integrated Islamic Vocational Schools


  • Indri Rahma Putri Universitas Pesantren Kh Abdul Chalim, Indonesia


New Student, Islamic Vocational Schools, Strategy


The selection strategy for accepting new students is a stage of the process of accepting new students and an annual routine agenda that must be carried out by every educational institution where this activity must be carried out carefully so that the number and quality of students are as expected. Based on this, researchers are interested in researching selection strategies for accepting new students in order to increase competitive advantage. Based on this background, the objectives of this research are as follows: 1) To find out the selection strategy for accepting new students. 2) To determine the acceptance of new students at Daarur Abror IT Vocational School in order to increase competitive advantage. This research uses descriptive qualitative research, to collect data researchers use observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results of this research are, firstly, the selection strategy for accepting new students in order to increase competitive advantage uses the right selection strategy which uses tests as selection in the PPDB, consisting of academic tests, BTQ tests and interview tests, both prospective participants For new students, it is easier to process the costs, namely with the existence of scholarships, thirdly, in contrast to other schools, the school offers tahfidz entrepreneurship and the school also collaborates with other institutions




How to Cite

Putri, I. R. (2024). New Student Admission Selection Strategy to Increase Competitiveness and Competitive Advantage in Integrated Islamic Vocational Schools . Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Almatani, 1(1), 1–10. Retrieved from