Citedness in Scopus

Scopus Citation Analysis

Last update: 29 May 2023

International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR)'s articles are cited by 31 articles in SCOPUS database since published in January 2020.

Citation Detail:


Irman, M., & Purwati, A. A. (2020). Analysis on the influence of current ratio, debt to equity ratio and total asset turnover toward return on assets on the otomotive and component company that has been registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange Within 2011-2017. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR), 1(1), 36-44.

Cited By

  1. Shahnia, C., Purnamasari, E., Hakim, L., & Endri, E. (2020). Determinant of profitability: Evidence from trading, service and investment companies in Indonesia. Accounting, 6(5), 787-794.
  2. Aryantini, S., & Jumono, S. (2021). Profitability and value of firm: An evidence from manufacturing industry in Indonesia. Accounting, 7(4), 735-746.
  3. Endri, E., Lisdawati, D. S., Hakim, L., & Sugianto, S. (2020). Determinants of profitability: Evidence of the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11(6), 587-597.
  4. Fakoya, M. B. (2020). Investment in hazardous solid waste reduction and financial performance of selected companies listed in the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Socially Responsible Investment Index. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 23, 21-29.
  5. Susanti, N., Nugraha, M. A. D., Yaasmiin, N. N., Maghfiroh, N., Ramadanti, D. Z., & Nasution, Y. P. (2021). The Influence of Firm Size, Leverage, and Liquidity on Company Performance through Dividend Policy in Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2015-2019 Period. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 11(5).
  6. Ruliana, H., Riza, F., & Muda, I. (2021). How Equity is Reported and Analyzed?. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 12(9).
  7. Al Omari, R., Alkhawaldeh, R.S., Jaber, J.J. (2023). Artificial Neural Network for Classifying Financial Performance in Jordanian Insurance Sector. Economies11(4),106
  8. Binsaddig, R., Ali, A., Al-Alkawi, T., Ali, B.J.A. (2022). DO ACTIVITY RATIOS RELATE TO GROSS PROFIT MARGIN? EVIDENCE FROM COMMUNICATION SECTOR IN BAHRAIN. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies 14(4), pp. 292-308

Fadrul, F., & Ridawati, R. (2020). Analysis of method used to predict financial distress potential in pulp and paper companies of Indonesia. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR), 1(1), 57-69.

Cited By

9. Rahayu, N. E. E., & Isfianadewi, D. (2023). Efforts to Increase Core Capital for Core Capital Bank Group Base on Regulation. In Digitalisation: Opportunities and Challenges for Business: Volume 1 (pp. 35-45). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Fadrul, F., Budiyanto, B., & Asyik, N. F. (2021). The Effect of Ownership Structure and Corporate Social Responsibility on Financial Performance and Firm Value in Mining Sector Companies in Indonesian. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR), 2(2), 92-109.

Cited By

10. Yousefian, M., Bascompta, M., Sanmiquel, L., & Vintró, C. (2023). Corporate social responsibility and economic growth in the mining industry. The Extractive Industries and Society, 13, 101226.

Hayati, R., Irman, M., & Agia, L. N. (2020). Sell in May and Go Away or Just Another January Effect? Studied of Anomaly in Indonesia Stock Exchange. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR), 1(1), 45-56.

Cited By

11. Ocal, H., Imre, S., & Kamil, A. A. (2021). The “Sell in May” Effect: An Empirical Analysis from Turkey, Indonesia, France, and Germany. Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences.

Cabrera, W., & Estacio, D. (2022). Job attitude as a factor on employees performance. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR), 3(1), 13-35.

Cited By

12. Satyatama, S., SALUY, A. B., & Kemalasari, N. (2022). Analysis Of Individual Attitudes And Perceptions Of Personnel Performance With Motivation Variables As Intervening In The Directorate For Security Of Vital Objects At Polda XYZ; The Seybold Report Vol, 17. The Seybold Report, 17, 1040-1052.

13. Vuong, B. N., Tung, D. D., & Huan, D. D. (2022). The contribution of corporate social responsibility perception on job performance: does corporate reputation matter?. Business: Theory and Practice, 23(2), 277-287.

Kumari, M. (2022). Financial inclusion and human development in India: An inter-state analysis. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR), 3(1), 1-12.

Cited By

14. Hidayat, P., & Sari, R. L. (2022). Linkage between financial inclusion and Indonesian welfare: a recent evidence. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 2108299.

15. Abu, N., Sakanko, M. A., David, J., Gamal, A. A. M., & Obi, B. (2022). Does Financial Inclusion Reduce Poverty in Niger State? Evidence from Logistic Regression Technique. Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 13(2), 443-466.

Purwati, A. A., Amin, A. M., Nyoto, N., & Hamzah, M. L. (2022). The Effect Of Service Quality And Academic Information Systems Quality On Student’s Satisfaction. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR), 3(1), 51-70.

Cited By

16. Hamzah, M. L., Hultari, L. A., Purwati, A. A., & Nazaruddin, N. (2022). Analysis of E-Library Based on Level of User Satisfaction Using EUCS and IPA Methods. Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS), 4(1), 599-610.

Irman, M., Budiyanto, B., & Suwitho, S. (2021). Increasing financial inclusion through financial literacy and financial technology On MSMEs. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR), 2(2), 126-141.

Cited By

17. Widyastuti, M., & Hermanto, Y. B. (2022). The effect of financial literacy and social media on micro capital through financial technology in the creative industry sector in East Java. Cogent Economics & Finance, 10(1), 2087647.

18. Widyastuti, M., Ferdinand, D. Y. Y., & Hermanto, Y. B. (2023). Strengthening Formal Credit Access and Performance through Financial Literacy and Credit Terms in Micro, Small and Medium Businesses. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(1), 52.

Basil, O. C., Nwokoye, E., & Biedomo, E. (2021). Computing Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth in Nigeria. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR), 2(1), 44-64.

Cited By

19. Hamzah, M. L., Hultari, L. A., Purwati, A. A., & Nazaruddin, N. (2022). Analysis of E-Library Based on Level of User Satisfaction Using EUCS and IPA Methods. Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS), 4(1), 599-610.

20. Purwati, A. A., & Hamzah, M. L. (2022). Instrument Readiness Analysis of Technology-Based Businesses. Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS), 4(1), 611-617.

Irman, M., Suwitho, S., & Fadrul, F. (2020). Sociodemographic factors on financial literacy of university students in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR), 1(3), 225-242.

Cited By

21. Purwati, A. A., & Hamzah, M. L. (2022). Instrument Readiness Analysis of Technology-Based Businesses. Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS), 4(1), 611-617.

Sebayang, A. F., Indratno, I., & Sebayang, L. K. (2020). The Local Economic Innovation: Lesson from Rotan Ketak Industry in Central Lombok Regency, Indonesia. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR), 1(2), 150-165.

Cited By

22. Gumulya, D., Purba, J. T., Hariandja, E. S., & Pramono, R. (2022). Building Innovation Capability for the Sustainability of Rancabuaya Village Craft Weavers. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 17(2), 539-548.

23. Purba, J.T., Gumulya, D., Hariandja, E., Pramono, R. (2023). Valuable, Rare, Inimitable, Non-Substitutable of Resources in Building Innovation Capability for Sustainable Development: Evidence from Creative Social Enterprises. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 18(2), pp. 429-438

24. Gumulya, D., Purba, J., Hariandja, E., Pramono, R. (2022). The Emergence of Innovation Capability During Firms’ Early Stage: Cases from Indonesian Creative Social Enterprise. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 17(7), pp. 2153-2164

Cabrera, W. (2020). Development and Validation of Work Readiness Assessment Tool for Home Economics Graduates. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR)1(2), 70–109.
Cited By
25. Permana, A. Y., Fitriani, F., & Aulia, T. (2023). Analysis of Students’ Work Readiness Based on Self-Efficacy of Vocational High School in The Building Information Modelling Technology Era. Journal of Technical Education and Training15(1), 192–203. Retrieved from
26. Choirudin, C., Nyoman, I., Degeng, S., Kuswandi, D., Purnomo, P., & Maba, A. P. (2022). Career readiness among low-income Muslim students. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)11(3), 1400-1406.
Rahma, A. A., & Aldi, F. . (2020). The Importance of Commissioners Board Diversity in CSR Disclosures. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR)1(2), 136–149.
Cited By
27. Changzheng, Z. (2023). Roles of female executives in corporate governance practices: Evidence from China. Roles of Female Executives in Corporate Governance Practices: Evidence from China pp. 1-397
28. Andrian, T., Pangestu, A. (2022). SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY DISCLOSURE: DO GREEN ACCOUNTING, CEO POWER, BOARD GENDER, AND NATIONALITY DIVERSITY MATTER?. Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review 6(4), pp. 110-121
Ramadhini, C., & Manafe, L. A. (2022). The Leader Effective Communication in Solving Employee Conflict; REACH Analysis. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR)3(2), 172–188.
Cited By
29. Purwati, A.A., William, W., Hamzah, M.L., Hamzah, R. (2023). Employee Performance Distributions: Analysis of Motivation, Organizational Learning, Compensation and Organizational Commitment. Journal of Distribution Science 21(4), pp. 57-67
Al-kasasbeh, O. (2022). The relationship between unemployment and economic growth: is Okun’s Law valid for the Jordan case?. International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR)3(3), 217–226.
Cited By
30. Qudah, M.R.M., Munir, A.R., Sobarsyah, M., Sabbar, S.D. (2022). The Role of Zakat, Islamic Human Development, and Government Support on the Economic Growth in Jordan. Cuadernos de Economia 45(128), pp. 157-164
Indrajaya, D. (2021). Analysis of Cointegration and VECM of FDI, Labor Force, Government Expenditure and GDP in Indonesia (2005-2019) . International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR)2(1), 65–77.
Cited By
31. Wahyudi, H., Palupi, W.A. (2023). Relationship between Energy Consumption, Foreign Direct Investment, and Labor Force Participation Using the VECM Model: Empirical Study in OECD Countries. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 13(2), pp. 157-165