Effectiveness Analysis of Hydraulic Torque Wrench Machine Using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Logic Tree Analysis Study Case on Heavy Equipment Manufacturing
Process Capability, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, FMEA, Manufacturing, Production EngineeringAbstract
Production quality in terms of process efficiency and quality in the manufacturing industry must always be improved in order to maintain customer confidence. PT XYZ as a heavy equipment assembly company is one of the companies that depends on process reliability for a smooth production process. Based on this, the problems raised in this study focus on increasing the efficiency of the process of installing bolts on slew bearings. By using Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) and Process Capability (CpK) as the main benchmarks for measuring the quality of the production process where the latest data shows the average OEE value is at 18.53%, while the CpK value for the bolt tightening process is at 0 ,67. The OEE and CpK figures obtained show that the process quality is still not optimal and needs to be improved. The purpose of this research is to identify and prevent as many factors as possible that can lead to process failure. The methods used to evaluate processes and to identify where and how a process might fail are Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Logic Tree Analysis (LTA). Both methods are used to identify and prevent as many factors as possible that can lead to a process failure. The results of research using the FMEA and LTA methods show that in the process of installing slew bearing bolts there is a process that needs to be improved because the RPN value is quite high, namely above 125. Some suggestions for improvement such as the use of a manipulator arm on a torque tool and the implementation of a manufacturing execution system (MES) can reduce the RPN value from above 125 to 28, where the process obtained is better than before.
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