A Smart Kumbung For Monitoring and Controlling Environment in Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Based on Internet of Things Framework





Oyster mushroom, Kumbung, Monitoring, Control, Food Security, Resilient Agricultural Practices


Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus) is a fungus-like plant that is often cultivated in Indonesian agriculture. Oyster mushroom is raised by manipulating environmental parameters, so that it can grow in the provided Kumbung. Oyster mushroom requires a temperature that is used, which ranges from 23°-28°C, for humidity used between 70% -90% and for light intensity it requires light of ±300 lux. In this study, a system was designed to carry out automatic monitoring and control in real time based on the Internet of Things (IoT) which integrates DHT22 humidity and temperature sensors, BH1750 light intensity sensors and NodeMCU as a microcontroller with measurement results sent to the Firebase database. In addition, a water pump connected to the sprayer nozzle is installed in this system to maintain the humidity of the oyster mushroom curd. From the test results, the system can work automatically to stabilize temperature, humidity, and light intensity according to the ideal parameters.


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How to Cite

Rahman, R. A. ., Ramadan, D. N., Hadiyoso, S., Maidin, S. S., & Irawati, I. D. (2023). A Smart Kumbung For Monitoring and Controlling Environment in Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Based on Internet of Things Framework. Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS), 5(1), 245–257. https://doi.org/10.37385/jaets.v5i1.2248