Analysis and Identification of Non-Impact Factors on Smart City Readiness Using Technology Acceptance Analysis: A Case Study in Kampar District, Indonesia
Kampar District, Smart city, TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), readinessAbstract
Most countries start to implement Smart Cities as an innovation for urban strategy. However, not all Smart Cities implementations worked and were implemented well, because the community still not ready for the implementation of Smart City. The aim of this research is to investigate community readiness and finding low impact factors for implementing smart cities based on 5 factors, namely AU, PEOU, ATU, BIU, and PU. This research was using a qualitative study with the Technology Acceptance Model approach (TAM) to investigate the relationship between 5 factors. Based on the results of data distribution, there are 2 clusters, namely people who know about public service applications and people who are not aware of any public service applications. Furthermore, there are 3 tests conducted in this research namely T-test, F-test and Coefficient Determination Test to determine the impact and influence of the relationship between each factor. However, from the results of the t-test it was found that there were 2 relationships that had no impact because the t-count was negative and the 2 relationships between these factors were between PU - AU and AU - PU.
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