The Effect of Online Loans on the Millennial Generation: A Systematic Literature Review (SLR)


  • Wahyu Puspitasari Universitas Semarang



Online Loans, Millennial Generation, Impact, Literature Review


Financial service providers, also referred to as financial technology providers, offer digital financial services, such as online loans, which are presently mostly in the form of applications. For those who require money online without having to meet stringent standards or visit the online loan service provider's office, online loans are quite beneficial, especially for members of the millennial age today. This service greatly affects their desire for quick cash for a variety of consumable and productive goals, like starting a new business. All it takes to get money disbursed quickly is to complete an online loan application. Because loans may be repaid in installments with varying interest rates based on the duration chosen, they can also be repaid reasonably easily. Publish Or Perish application secondary data (2018–2023) retrieved through Google Scholar is used in the research methodology. Mapping information data through "Research Questions" was done in order to perform data analysis using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) Method. in particular, the patterns in publication years, the quantity of publishers, the outcomes of the research, and the consequences of the findings for online loans. Of the 200 publications that were located during the initial search, only 80 were selected as data sources and will be subjected to a more thorough analysis. Online loans have both beneficial and harmful effects on the millennial generation, according to the study's findings. In order to address their demands for money or cash, this study intends to examine the effects of online loan applications.


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How to Cite

Puspitasari, W. (2024). The Effect of Online Loans on the Millennial Generation: A Systematic Literature Review (SLR). International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR), 5(3), 2426–2442.